The use of graphical images and symbols is the safest measure to convey messages at a glance for hazards. The appropriate use of color and shape can offer the warnings of danger, information of situation and other possibilities which are essential to point out during or after work at any office or construction area independent of language. Safety signs in UAE - DGTrading are offered by DGTradin for each and every purpose.
There are several regulations and laws in Dubai which make it mandatory to utilize these safety signs to keep your employees protected where there is a significant chance of risk to health that cannot be controlled or avoided by other means. These signs can reduce the chances of accidents in your facility. The utilization of road traffic signs is also allowed at the workplace to control and regulate the traffic. It is necessary for an employer to ensure that all the workers have received the relevant appropriate knowledge, information, training, and instructions regarding these safety signs. Most of the signs are self-explanatory but young or new workers may be unfamiliar with them.
What They Need TO Know
A health or safety sign is defined as an instruction or information for general health and safety on a signboard, illuminated figure, a color or verbal communication for the measure.
Whichever sign is used, it must be made visible regardless of its color, shape or pictogram with supplementary text.
Barrier tapes can also be utilized where there is a need of marking danger such as restricted heights or highlighting the raised platforms.
Red Color Sign
It sets an alarming situation and causes prohibition of certain moves. It means that you are about to show dangerous behaviors or it is a time to shutdown or cutout devices for emergency evacuation.
Yellow or Amber Signs
This is another warning color on a sign which asks the person to be careful and take examined precautions before performing the task or moving towards the area.
Blue Sign
This offers a mandatory thing or action to be performed before going or starting any type of work. This may be used to define the specific behavior such as wear gloves or any other protective equipment.
Green Sign
These signs provide various instructions such as there is an emergency escape or a route. It also represents the first aid equipment.
There are also signs which comprised of many instructions at the same time. With a yellow portion, they represent the hazard on a specific task that the site you are about to go is dangerous and with red portion, they can stop the unauthorized entrance. Such signs serve perfectly for construction sites where a combination of messages is required in the potentially dangerous area.